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Pileated Woodpecker

Pileated Woodpecker About 3 years ago, a large BC fir had to be cut down in a lot opposite our home. When I  queried as to why the tree was left with about a 20ft stump, the arborist advised that this cut will attract woodpeckers. Well true to his word and 3 years later this Pileated woodpecker was going at the tree with a vengeance. It certainly was not building a home by the size  and depth of it’s impact on the tree. It was a female, and I am told that they sometimes are  pounding away looking for a mate.  She was around about 3days and has not returned. This is one of the first shots I have taken with my new...

Spring in BC

Spring in BC My fist real sign of Spring  

Viking Settlement /L’Anse Aux Meadows

Viking Settlement /L’Anse Aux Meadows   It was at this site 1000 years ago , 500years before C0lumbus and  Cabot that explorers from Greenland & Iceland led by Leif Erickson founded the first European settlement. This is a UNESCO World Heritage site. L’Anse Aux Meadows is still a fishing village. To visit and photograph this site was the fulfilment of a personal dream.  

Gros Morne

Gros Morne This is one remarkable site of the fjord and the massive cliffs of Western Brook Pond. This shot was taken over a mile away on one dark and cold morning in Sept. I thought it was headed for the the trash until my friend Nick suggested we work with it. I love the mystic of the scene. Remember these cliffs are over 2000 ft high.

Tofino Long Beach

Tofino Long Beach This as taken in mid afternoon early fall at Long Beach in Tofino  

Spring Fishing in BC

Spring Fishing in BC This is a picture that Marie took last Spring when a snow storm drove me off the lake. I think it is a great caption of the fishermen being sent home for another day. Also tells me Marie has an eye for what to capture

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