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Cambridge Bay, Nunavut

Cambridge Bay, Nunavut Cambridge, Nunavut – Princess I attended a celebration held in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut on the occasion of an agreement between Miramar Mining and the Nunavut people to develop the Hope Bay mine. This little girl was the daughter of one of the Native dancers. She was dress in furs and caught the eye of all who attended....

Orca Whales

Orca Whales This was part of a wonderful day at the mouth of the Fraser River as the sockeye run was on. This year was one of the largest runs in recorded history.  Note the city of Vancouver in the background.

Beef Trail

Beef Trail   Took this from a chopper when flying from Anahim Lake into the Dean River.

Baby Horned Owl

Baby Horned Owl   This was one interesting morning at the Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary in Ladner BC. There were at least 30 photographers with lenses as long as your arm all poised waiting for this baby owl to pop its head out of the hollow tree nest. I had my 18-200 3.5-5.6 set at 200mm and high speed,5 frames/sec. I was under the tree in a bramble bush waiting along with all the others. An apparently seasoned photographer was crowding my space when he took a glance at my equipment and stated for most to hear “is that all you have”- At that very instant up pops the baby and I took five shots, my seasoned competition didn’t get his eye to the camera before down goes the baby.So it often is, being at the right spot at the right time. You draw your own conclusions....

“Peek A Boo”

“Peek A Boo” I have had much pleasure out of this picture. I call it my Bateman. It is the sort of painting that Robert Bateman would paint. That young Buck thinks no one can see him. It is surprising the number of people who don’t notice him right away.

One Leg is OK?

One Leg is OK? When I look at this picture I think of myself and how easy it is to vacillate  between different opinions or actions and not put the other foot down. There is an old song of the church that is called standing on the promises of Christ my King. When I stand on His promises with both feet, I cannot fail.  

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