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Yellow-Rumped Warbler

Yellow-Rumped Warbler A male Western Yellow-Rumped Warbler. The term western is not part of the name but it is the race that is found in the west. The more easterly race has a white throat. The western form used to be called the Audubon’s Warbler and the eastern form was the Myrtle Warbler. Taxonomists decided that they were both the same species and now call them both the Yellow-rumped warbler.  The “eastern” form breeds in the Peace River area and we do get some here during spring and fall migration, but very few.This was a find at Trojan Pond BC, Highland Valley Copper Mine near Logan Lake. They are flitty little things and you have to be fast to get them. Used my VR 70 -200 F/2.8 with a 2 times converter on a tripod  ( 400 mm, F 5.6, 1/400 , ISO200 )...

Monarch Butterflies

Monarch Butterflies MARIPOSA TAKEN AT ZITACUARO MICHOCAN MEXICO This is one of the most amazing natural events that takes place each year in North America featuring the delicate monarch butterfly. Marie and I along with a group from Farallon Mines headed to this Bio Sphere and world heritage sight set by the UN. El Rosrario was north of Mexico city about 2 hours and then a hike up a pine forest mountain well over 10,000ft. Marie hiked the whole way and half way i rented a horse that took me to join her at the site. And what a sight it was!! About 300 million monarchs clinging everywhere.These that you see in the picture had flown from Canada & the US about 2,500 to 3,000 miles to this very small location.  Certainly as you observe this and understand their migration pattern you can’t help but see evidence of the hand of God. Its’ not by chance Mr Darwin. Lens was VR 18-2000 F/3.5-5.0( 200mm, f5.6, 1/200s, iso 100, WB cloudy

Garden Rose

Garden Rose This was taken in our backyard roe garden. I really felt good the way this turned out, especially with the leaf on the bottom left and the light shadows. Come to think of it ,the Rose is one dramatic and beautiful flower. Details VR 105 F/2.8 mode AF-S Area mode single F 22, speed 1/320,shutter priority, metering matrix, ISO 640  

Marsh Wren

Marsh Wren This Marsh Wren was an exciting find at the Geo. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary. As we approached the nest this little fellow made us know that he was there and we shouldn’t be. I wished I had a sound recorder. (something to think about in the future). Roy Hamaguchi introduced me to this sight a few years ago. I believe he is the official photographer for the Sanctuary. Great spot and always surprises. I might add that NX2 helped bring out the details. I really like Capture NX2. Lens VR 18-200  F3.5-5.0 (F6.3, 1/320’s ,ISO 125 metering matrix, WB direct...

Black Bear

Black Bear This MaMa bear along with 2 cubs was may back yard visitor  3 years ago. She enjoyed every bird feeder I had and stayed in the area for a few days. For a july bear she was in good shape and she sure had the cubs under her control. One command and up the trees they scampered. This picture was used by the West Vancouver Parks people to advise people of Bears in the area. Details V18-200 F3.5 – 5.0, 200mm and it was Programmed Auto.F 5.6 , ISO 320, Matrix meatering

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